Mrz 2010 |

GEO technology proved the perfect choice due to the high performance of the different loudspeaker modules, providing even coverage, flexibility over many applications and one of the most efficient rigging and flying systems in the business.

The system impressed from the moment it was flown, and gained instant approval from the local engineers.

„Its very appearance proved something of a spectacle,“ says NEXO’s concert sound specialist Scott Mason, who was in Turkmenistan to provide system training. „They had never seen or heard anything like this before in this stadium, and it drew keen attention from the crowd, and bursts of cheering every time the system was fired up.“

The Turkmenistan ministry needed a professional system that was both modern and effective in all its aspects, which was suitable for use on official speeches and addresses, national events, concerts and sporting ceremonies.

Scott Mason reports that „one of the features the engineers found most impressive was the precision of the GeoSoft venue and speaker placement design software. On the initial design for the Olympic Stadium, the software showed a strong echo returning from the rear spectator stands that were extremely steep. The software demonstrated that, with a slight turn in of 1 or 2 degrees on the PA, the problem would be solved. This was quickly applied and the annoying return echo effect was avoided. Judging by the way the local engineers enjoyed using the GEO technology, this system will be used at every opportunity.“

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