Any stage. Any musician. One monitor.

First, take a sphere

Then move the equator to the 45 degree north parallel. Now, slice off the top. This becomes the model for NEXO’s revolutionary 45N12 Line Monitor. It also explains the name.

With the point source located at the centre of the sphere, the waveguide radiates the high frequency at 45 degrees.

Say hello to the smiling waveguide

Unlike a conventional waveguide in which the exit is rectangular, the NEXO monitor’s waveguide forms a smile. This takes into account the curvature at the surface of the sphere. By creating a virtual acoustic source behind the cabinet and beneath the stage, there’s no interference between wavefronts when cabinets are locked together to form arrays.

Directional and scalable, with very high headroom before feedback

High frequency dispersion is 30 degrees horizontal, 22.5 degrees diagonal (coupling plane) and 60 degrees vertical (asymmetrical -45 degrees / + 15 degrees). Horizontal and diagonal dispersion is scalable in steps of 30 degrees and 22.5 degrees respectively when arrayed. SPL and frequency response are consistent up to 2.5 metres back.

Bringing the benefits of line array technology to the stage

the 45N12 incorporates an ingenious magnetic locking system, so it’s easy to lock cabinets together to create monitor arrays where more SPL and wider coverage are needed, for example, a stereo pair – perfect for vocalists.

2025 © Copyright by NEXO SA, Registration Nº 317 272 540 RCS Compiègne, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.